

It is great to know that people read and appreciate what you post on a blog. The pleasure is multiplied when the poets or the photographers themselves respond.

This is one such instance.

The poet S. K. Lindeman (Borden), whose poem Spring Song I had featured here wrote to me:

Hello Srivilasica,

I just wanted to let you know I have enjoyed reading the poetry you put up and then seeing one of my own poems listed. I have worked all day on copyright at a friend's house and I still can't seem to make the form go through so I figure I would send you a poem that I wrote for you awhile back that I could not make go through then either. This will perhaps make it to you.
My regards and thank-you for your sharing,

She also sent me a poem.

So lovely, your sharing,
what variety and bearing,
descends to declare
words are not spare
when spread with the quill
of the heart.

Thank you so much, dear poet!

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